Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Why is chocolate harmful for dogs ?

Is Chocolate poisonous for dogs ?

Well for humans chocolate might be good for health, however for dogs it is harmful. Now, What makes chocolate harmful for dogs ?. Lets find out the answer to this in todays blog. Chocolate contains "THEOBROMINE". It has a bitter flavour and gives dark chocolate bitter taste. From most of the pets, dogs are commonly affected by chocolate toxicity.

Now the only reason chocolate is harmful for dog is because in dogs it takes longer time to metabolise one of the component of chocolate i.e theobromine. The amount of theobromine in human is so small that risk of poisoning is non - existent. However in dogs mild consumption of chocolate might only cause Diarrhoea and vomiting, but large quantity may lead to heart failure, weakness, coma and even death. Theobromine which is one of the component of chocolate causes vasoconstriction i.e tightening of veins. Which eventually results in increased heart rate. A dog that eats a generous portion of chocolate can become a victim of theobromine poisoning, which can be fatal. 

To be on a safer side, make sure chocolate is kept secure and out of your dog reach. Be careful during holidays as chocolate are all over the house. If incase your dog has eaten significant amount of chocolate, don't delay speak to your vet and get your dog checked at earliest.

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