Tuesday 9 January 2018

Why do dog needs walk ?

This is the most widely asked question on why do dog needs walk, many dog owner avoid taking their dogs on walk because of time constrain. Some people feel that playing with the dogs indoor is enough rather then taking them outdoor on walks. Lets find out few major reason on why a dog should be walked through this blog.

Firstly, all dogs needs walk. No matter what size or breed the dog belongs to.

It keeps them healthy

Unlike humans, all dog needs walk as it keeps them healthy and happy at the same time. Its avoids the dog from getting obese and at the same time it exercises the dog as well. It avoids certain disease that the dog are prone to, especially hip and elbow dysplasia. As walking a dog will avoid the dog from getting overweight reducing the risk of several bone problems for dog. It also decreases stress and helps in making the dogs bone and muscle healthy.

It keeps them mentally and physically stable

Yes, giving a proper and daily walk to a dog keeps their energy stable. Dogs are mentally as well as physically stable through walk. Walking a dog avoids them from doing unwanted activity such as jumping, biting, unnecessary barking and so on. Modern dogs don't get enough exercise that they should be getting, however walking is the solution through which a dog can be exercised. Its keeps their energy stable and avoids them from getting boredom. 

It helps in socialisation

Daily walk from a early age helps dog to get socialised to various stimuli, be it surrounding, people, vehicles, noises and other dogs. More you walk your dog in different places, more the dog will get used to those places and surrounding. Keeping a dog confined to a cage or a house will result in an unsocialised dog, which will ultimately result in fear and aggression. Walking a dog from early age also helps the dog in getting physically and mentally mature. 

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