Tuesday, 23 January 2018

How to train your dog to Roll Over ?

In order to train a dog to roll over, first you need to train him to Sit, Lie down, Stay, and you are ready to move to an advanced command that is roll over. This trick is simple to teach, however at times it can get tricky and confusing. Hence patience is the key. Train your dog with patience and affection and in no time your dog will learn to roll over. Lets discuss few techniques on how a dog can be trained to roll over.

Before starting on with the training make sure that the dog knows to Lie Down. If the dog doesn't know the command, train him first to Lie Down. Because in order to train a dog to roll over the dog should be lying down first. Keep some tasty treats handy during the training session. Treats that dog doesn't get everyday. Also make sure you have a silent room initially, so that there are no unwanted distraction. 

First command the dog to Lie Down. Once the dog is down. Grab some treats in your hand, take your hand close to his nose and let the dog sniff the treat. Once the dog starts sniffing the treat he will try to snatch the treat from your hand. Make sure that you hold the treats is such a manner that the treats are covered by your finger. Once the dog starts sniffing the treat, gently say rollover and rotate the treat up and around your dogs head so that his nose follows the treat. If you lead your dogs nose with the treat along a path that will cause your dog to roll over as he follows it, your dog will roller over. Say rollover once again and praise the dog with love, affection and some yummy treats. Dog will be not happy if you keep him waiting for the treats, while the dog is in the process to roll over. Hence better keep praising the dog on a high notes such as Good Boy or Good Girl, which will rather motivate the dog and also the dog will not get frustrated to get the treat during the process of Roll Over. Immediately praise the dog with treats once the dog rolls over completely.

Repeat the same thing multiple times, till the dog starts rolling over all by himself without the help of the treat. Once the dog learns how to roll over and doesn't require any support of treat being passed over and above his head. Try not giving him treat every time, instead give him a nice pat on his head. So that the dog will not expect the treat every time you roll him over. Also stretch the timing of praising him with the treat. So that the dog will not expect treat from you as it will be unpredictable for him to get treat. 

Once the dog starts following the trick all by himself, try performing the same trick outside the silent room. You can take your dog to some park or else you can make him perform the trick when there are distractions around. Be patient as each dog is different. Some dog might learn this trick in couple of day, where as some might take months to learn the same trick. Be patient and consistent and your dog will eventually learn how to roll over. 

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