Well yes, train your dog to do the cute trick of bowing by following this simple technique. Once your dog is familiar with Sit and Lie down, then it wont be a trouble to teach your dog to bow. Start on with some treats in your hand. Its better to keep the dog standing. Once the dog stands in front of you and is fully focused on the treat, take the treat close to his nose and lure the treat down towards the ground. Your hand should stay close to your dogs nose. If you take your hand back while on the ground the dog will eventually lie down. Just lure your dog keeping your hand close to his nose, hold on that position for few second and move the hand upward keeping in mind that your hand is still close to his nose. Once the dog stands praise him with treat and affection.
Follow this training every alternate days or every day for 15 - 20 mins. By the time the dog understands he has to go down and he has to hold him self, start praising him verbally as in 'Good Boy, Good Job' in an excited tone. Once the dog stands after listening to your excited tone praise him with treat. Also increase the bow time from few second to a minute as some dogs might take time to adjust their body to the bow position. Once the dog masters the trick, start using hand signals and praise him with affection and toy rather then treat.
Never force any dog to get to the bow position as its a natural tendency for all dogs to bow down while stretching, people facing difficulty to get the dog to the bow position can take the advantage of their natural tendency. Yes, when the dog wakes up and stretches say "Good Bow" and praise the dog with love and affection. Repeat it every time you see your dog stretching and then later try treats and the dog will get an idea on what he needs to do in order to get affection and treat. You can also make the dog bow while the dog is playing with any toy or ball. Most of the dog do learn with treat, but few don't get in to that position even after giving treat. So better start off with "rough - housing". Once the dog goes in to that position while playing or streching, praise him with some jackpot. Be consistent, praise each and every steps he takes and your dog will eventually master the bow command.
Follow this training every alternate days or every day for 15 - 20 mins. By the time the dog understands he has to go down and he has to hold him self, start praising him verbally as in 'Good Boy, Good Job' in an excited tone. Once the dog stands after listening to your excited tone praise him with treat. Also increase the bow time from few second to a minute as some dogs might take time to adjust their body to the bow position. Once the dog masters the trick, start using hand signals and praise him with affection and toy rather then treat.
Never force any dog to get to the bow position as its a natural tendency for all dogs to bow down while stretching, people facing difficulty to get the dog to the bow position can take the advantage of their natural tendency. Yes, when the dog wakes up and stretches say "Good Bow" and praise the dog with love and affection. Repeat it every time you see your dog stretching and then later try treats and the dog will get an idea on what he needs to do in order to get affection and treat. You can also make the dog bow while the dog is playing with any toy or ball. Most of the dog do learn with treat, but few don't get in to that position even after giving treat. So better start off with "rough - housing". Once the dog goes in to that position while playing or streching, praise him with some jackpot. Be consistent, praise each and every steps he takes and your dog will eventually master the bow command.
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