Monday 11 December 2017

Types of dog "COLLAR"

There are several collar used depending on the dog and the breed. The most commonly used collar are listed below. The most widely and commonly used collar are Traditional flat collar and Martingale collar.

Traditional or Flat Collar
Most standard collar is the Flat collar. It is available in different size and shape according to the breed. It fits comfortable to all dogs.

Martingale or Semi choke collar
Also known as a semi - choke collar in most of the countries. It prevent dogs from backing out and escaping and also provide more control over the dog without the choking effect. It has also become the training collar of most trainers over the world.

Choke or Prong collar
These collar are mostly made up of metal. Which chokes the dog when he pulls or misbehaves on the leash. This collar helps in controlling the dog. However this kind of choke collar also leads certain behavioural issue such as fear and aggression. Hence its mostly recommeded to avoid any choke collar on dog.

Slip Collar or Slip Chain
Slip Collar works good with dogs who just need to be reminded now and then how to behave on walk. Slip Collar slides readily hence once the dog stops pulling the tension is released automatically however if the dogs pulls the chain gets tighten.

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