Tuesday 5 December 2017

Tips to train a pup at home.

How to train a pup at home ?

Well, alot of people have the same questions in their mind when they get a new puppy at home. most of them are worried with their behaviour which covers loads of things i.e from biting, chewing, eating almost everything. Well, I will certainly try my best to help most of my viewers on how to raise a pup and also a few tip on training them at home.

Firstly we need to make show before teaching any command be it Sit, Lie down. We need to make sure that the pup is mentally stable. His energy is stable. The best way to make a pup stable is through exercise or walk. Make sure you don't walk him excessively as its still a pup.

Once the pups energy is stable, you can start training him with basic command such as Sit, Lie Down, Leave it, Stay, Heel.

Sit is the very basic command that you can teach your pup. Grab a favourite treat or grab a favourite toy. Try to grab his attention towards you. Once the pup is focused stand in front of the pup with a treat in your hand. Eventually the pup will sit. Praise him with that treat instantly with a nice pat and repeat the same thing again. After few days just stand in front of the pup without any treat pretending you have treat in your hand. The pup will think you have the treat and then he will sit. Praise him this time not with treat but with love and affection. Repeat it multiple times and your done. Remember patience is the key.

The Second most important command is Lie down. Follow the same procedure of using a treat. A treat is recommended instead of a toy. Make the pup sit, once he sits make him sniff your hand once he gets interested in the treat gently touch your hand on the ground and move your hand away from the pup touching the ground. The pup will eventually sniff your hand and will lie down. Praise him again with treat and repeat the procedure again and again. Make sure after few weeks you can use gesture as if you have the treat in your hand and make him lie down. Again affection on a high note will grab the pups interest in this training.

If you feel that these basic tips have really helped you. Kindly comment below so that I can cover tips on other command as well. Thank you.

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